Storytellers. For the Difference Makers.

Elevate your higher education institution with captivating video content.


Transform your institution's narrative

In today's competitive academic marketplace, your institution must stand out to attract the right students and ensure a bright future. Finding the perfect match between students and institutions is challenging, and without the right approach, your institution could face a future shrouded by doubt.

The Enroll Films™ Process


Book a free 20-minute Discovery Call to dive into the heart of what you're after.


We create campaigns tailored to your goals, vision, and brand.


Watch as your content drives engagement and increases enrollment.

Video Consumption is up since the last graduating class

84% of consumers reported buying after watching video marketing

25% of consumers lose interest in a brand without any video marketing

Enroll Films™ is here to help.

Wcarry a deep reverence for the vital importance our beloved higher education institutions and their leaders have on our world.

Enroll Films is committed to providing higher education institutions with advanced and flexible story-capturing solutions. Our goal is to help you share the unique qualities and impact of your institution, ensuring your message resonates with the right audience.

With our expertise, you can:

🎓 Effortlessly showcase inspiring student and alumni impact stories 

🎖️ Capture the enduring legacy of influential campus figures with captivating mini-documentaries

💡 Seamlessly convey your institution's unique culture and values through powerful storytelling 


Case Study:  How A Legacy Documentary Can Revolutionize Your Institution

Telling the story of a school's legacy figure can change everything. 

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Free Download: The Testimonial Capture Checklist

Use the same questions we ask when creating powerful and engaging testimonial films to help you enroll more students and engage more alumni.